
What You Need to Know About Insurance Adjusters After a Crash

insurance adjuster taking a photo of damage on a car

After a clash in Florida, you can seek compensation from your insurance company. Insurance companies take in significant monthly premiums, and they want to protect those profits whenever possible. Car accident claims threaten those profits, so insurance adjusters often use various tactics to deny claims when injured parties pursue the compensation they need.

It’s vital to recognize how insurance companies respond to claims when you need money. Below, we will help you understand the signs to look for and how to protect your rights to compensation.

Insurance adjusters might do the following:

  • Requesting recorded statements
  • Minimizing your claim’s value
  • Denying liability
  • Offering you a low settlement
  • Delaying the process on purpose

Call our firm today at (954) 504-6577 to discover your options.

Requesting Recorded Statements

Insurance companies might try to call claimants soon after the crash occurs to request information from the parties involved. However, they may let you know of their intentions to record the statement. Insurance companies hope that claimants might make a mistake that can diminish a claim.

Insurance adjusters often know the answers to the questions they ask claimants. They hope that claimants make a mistake that would allow the insurance company to minimize compensation or deny a claim entirely.

Minimizing Your Claim’s Value

Insurance adjusters often look to diminish value wherever possible. For instance, they may try to claim your vehicle damages are less than you paid for, and you shouldn’t receive as much as you paid. It’s vital to keep records of what you pay and work with a lawyer to obtain fair compensation.

Denying Liability

Insurance companies may try to challenge your claim. They might deny liability and say that your situation is not covered under your policy. It works in your favor to understand your policy and how to proceed with a claim following a severe crash. A lawyer can help you take on insurance companies and show that you rightfully deserve compensation when it matters most.

Offering You a Low Settlement

Insurance companies try to protect profits by coming in early in the process to offer a low settlement. They know you have needs, and a settlement would help with your financial hardship. They hope that you’ll accept whatever they offer so that you can’t pursue further compensation.

Before you accept a settlement, it is crucial to speak with a lawyer to determine if the amount covers all of your losses. If the insurance company’s settlement offer isn’t enough, you can seek further compensation to safeguard your rights.

Delaying the Process On Purpose

Because insurance companies know you have specific needs, they want you to accept less than you deserve. Financial struggles can be tough to endure, and insurance companies know that if they delay a claim, it can provoke you to accept whatever settlement they offer you. A delay can be detrimental to your claim, making it challenging to recover after an accident.

Insurance companies put their needs first. They know you are in a difficult situation, and while they should be helping and making it easier for you, they often make it harder. They might try to take advantage of your vulnerability with tactics you would be unaware of on your own. The most effective way to combat these tactics is to hire a lawyer to help you.

Our Florida car accident lawyers at Zimmerman & Frachtman, P.A. prioritize you and your needs. We put you first and go above and beyond to pursue the maximum compensation available to you. It’s our goal to hold insurance companies to their word and help claimants in their times of need. When you suffer an injury in a crash and need to file a claim, we’ve got you covered.

Call our firm at (954) 504-6577 for a free consultation.

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