Florida Fractured Vertebrae Lawsuits
A fractured vertebra or multiple vertebrae can be a life-changing situation. It is quite common for this type of traumatic injury to be caused by some type of accident or blunt force trauma. Zimmerman & Frachtman specialize in handling cases where someone is at fault for the fracture and can help achieve the results desired.
It is important to understand the different types of fractures that can occur. The three main types are flexion, extension, and rotation. A flexion fracture can generally occur in 2 different manners. A compression flexion fracture of a vertebra happens when the front of the bone breaks or sags while the back does not. The alternative type of flexion fracture is the axial burst. In that case the vertebra loses height on both the front and back sides. The second type of fracture is an extension fracture that is also known as the distraction type where the vertebrae are pulled apart. Finally, the rotation fracture can express itself in two different manners. There is the transverse process which is a rare lateral bending of the vertebra or rotation. The alternative type of rotation fracture is the fracture-dislocation where not only is the vertebra broken, but the associated ligaments are also torn as well.
Get started with a free initial consultation; call (954) 504-6577 or contact us online.
There are many types of spinal cord injuries that may occur upon from sports, car accidents, assault, slips and falls, and other trauma to the spine. One of these kinds of injuries is a fractured vertebra. Depending on the area of the spine that is hurt, an individual with one or more fractured vertebrae may present with:
- Tingling
- Weakness
- Numbness
- Neurogenic shock (in which low blood pressure and decreased heartbeat occur, along with a decrease in the efficiency of or total absence of normal reflexes)
- Spinal shock (in which reflexes are temporarily lost, resulting in paralysis, but eventually return and are ‘too’ strong and even ‘spastic’)
- Neural deficits (including loss of movement and sensation in the genitals, torso, legs and feet)
The types of force that lead to a fractured vertebrae may lead to other injuries, as well, such as internal bleeding, lesions to the spinal cord, and associated organ injury.
Even without these comorbidities, treatment for fractured vertebrae may be expensive, uncomfortable, emotionally exhausting, and incredibly time consuming.
At best, a patient may need to wear a special vest that prevents them from rotating, bending, and stressing the fracture as it heals, but at worst surgery may be necessary to implement a Z-plate anterior thoracolumbar plating system, spinal cage, posterior rods, or posterior lumbar interspinous fusion.
Accidents do happen. However, if you’re suffering from a vertebral fracture as the result of another party’s dereliction, negligence, malpractice, or malicious action, you could be eligible for compensation. Not only would a substantial settlement help cover your medical bills and treatment costs, but it could also make up for lost income as a result of missed work. Zimmerman & Frachtman is familiar with fractured vertebrae cases and the legislation surrounding them. Call today for free and see how strong your case could be.
These types vary in treatment method and the legal issues may be different as well. The law firm of Zimmerman & Frachtman can help with any of these types of fractures.
Unfortunately, the negligence of others can often be a determining factor that allows such fractures to occur. In this case the assistance of a well-respected and experienced law firm is crucial to insure that the proper compensation is delivered. While nothing can make up for the life-changing injury, there must be compensation for the negligence so that the circumstances can be changed and not occur again. Zimmerman & Frachtman’s spinal injury lawyers specialize in such cases and can provide a custom quote specific to your case and a plan of action.
Contact us online or call (954) 504-6577 to learn more during a free, confidential consultation.

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